As the cold, dark days of winter go by, the season can begin to feel gloomy. When spring seems like it’s never going to arrive, there are things you can do to avoid the winter doldrums. Read on for six ways to help keep the winter blues away.
1. Let the Sun Shine In
On days that are too cold to venture outdoors, open your curtains wide to let the natural light in. Just letting the sun into your suite can help boost your mood. When the weather cooperates, try getting outside for a short time. Let the sun shine on your face to benefit from a natural dose of vitamin D, which can boost your mood.
2. Stay Active
Regular exercise can lift your spirits and put a spring in your step. Go for a short walk in the neighbourhood if the weather permits, or walk around indoors. The Healthy Living Programs department offers drop-in classes regularly. Check out the class times on the weekly HLP calendar.
3. Socialize Regularly
While you may feel like hibernating in your suite during the winter season, it is important to stay social. Participate in HLP social activities. Call or visit your family & friends. Make plans to have coffee with a neighbour in a lounge or arrange to play cards with friends. Socializing is a great way to add fun and connection to your life.
4. Stick to a Schedule
During the cold winter months, you might not feel motivated to keep up with your normal day to day routine. It’s important to stay on schedule and resist the urge stay tucked under a cozy blanket. The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel by sticking with your schedule can help keep the winter blahs away.
5. Make Plans
Having something to look forward to in the near future can be very beneficial to a positive outlook. Simple things such as dinner at a restaurant with your family, a day trip with your friends, or a few hours of browsing the mall can give you something exciting to put on your calendar.
6. Have Fun with Hobbies
Spend time each day doing something that you enjoy- whether it be reading a book, knitting, or listening to your favourite music. Dedicating time to your hobbies can give your mood a big boost during the chilly winter months.
Registered Charity #108-090-432 and an approved Supports For Daily Living (SDL) program provider.
Program funding provided by Ontario Health and Halton Region.
OSCR's grounds are located on the territories of the Anishnabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Ojibway, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We also recognize the past and present contributions of Métis, Inuit and First Nations peoples that continue to have a hand in shaping and strengthening these communities in our province and country as a whole.