Final Phase of Return to Dining
Dining Room Update for Clients (2222 Lakeshore Rd West)
OSCR is pleased to announce we will be moving to the final phase of clients returning to regular (pre-pandemic) set up the dining room for meals, starting Thursday June 15th, 2023.
• Food Services Team has prearranged a seating plan for both 1st and 2nd sitting mealtimes. Food Services Team will inform you of your new seat prior to June 15th.You will sit in the same seat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
• Table assignment will be a maximum of 4 clients per table.
• Tables will no longer be accommodated with plexiglass barriers.
• Tray delivery will only be reserved for situations that require clients to isolate (homestay) as determined by OSCR*.
• If you will not be joining Dining Room service for any reason for lunch and/or dinner, you are to sign out at the designated “sign out” area located on the 1st floor elevator lobby.
o Unreported absences for lunch and dinner will trigger a security check by OSCR.
• You are to attend your designated mealtime as close to the set time as possible.
• Wearing a medical mask while traveling to and from the Dining Room, will be optional (as per Mask Update Notice).
• Clean your hands often.
*NOTE: In the event of an outbreak, our Dining room will be closed, and all meals will be delivered door-to-door.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact Twyla at 905-827-4139 ext. 189.
The OSCR Management Team
Registered Charity #108-090-432 and an approved Supports For Daily Living (SDL) program provider.
Program funding provided by Ontario Health and Halton Region.
OSCR's grounds are located on the territories of the Anishnabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Ojibway, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We also recognize the past and present contributions of Métis, Inuit and First Nations peoples that continue to have a hand in shaping and strengthening these communities in our province and country as a whole.