When the weather outside is cold and frightful, you may be tempted to hibernate indoors. Despite the inclement conditions, it’s important to keep your mind and body active during the long winter months. There’s so much you can do during the cold, dreary days- read on for some ideas on how to pass the time!
Participate in the Healthy Living Programs
The HLP department at OSCR offers a wide variety of daily programming to appeal to an array of interests and abilities. Check out the weekly calendar to see what sounds like fun to you. Participate in an exercise class or try your luck at a BINGO session. Join Derek for a spin on the dance floor, or sit back and enjoy one of the many performances that are scheduled. There are so many HLP options- join in on the fun to see what tickles your fancy!
Fuel Your Brain
Keeping your brain active is just as important as physical activity. Challenge yourself with a word search, puzzle, or crossword. Tap into your creative side and do a paint-by-numbers kit or start a knitting project. Reading a book can also help stimulate your brain - pick one up from the OSCR library and dedicate some time each day to the story.
Move Your Body
Even if the weather is chilly, bundle up and go for a walk outside to get exercise. The fresh air and sunshine can positively affect your mood. If the weather is inclement, go for a walk in the warm hallway on your floor, or the main floor, to keep your body moving and limber.
Sit and Socialize
Find a group of fellow residents who have common interests and get together with them regularly. Start a book club- borrow a book from the OSCR library and pass it along to your neighbours, tablemates, or friends. Once everyone has had a chance to read it, gather in a common space such as the family room or a lounge to discuss the story. You could also pick up a newspaper and discuss current events that are making headlines. Get together with others and share something positive that has happened to you or a loved one. Sharing uplifting stories is an easy way to boost your mood and outlook.
Give some of these ideas a try to help you stay active and engaged during the cold winter months. The good news is the days are getting longer, and spring will be here in no time!
Registered Charity #108-090-432 and an approved Supports For Daily Living (SDL) program provider.
Program funding provided by Ontario Health and Halton Region.
OSCR's grounds are located on the territories of the Anishnabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Ojibway, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We also recognize the past and present contributions of Métis, Inuit and First Nations peoples that continue to have a hand in shaping and strengthening these communities in our province and country as a whole.